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IETI George Perry Award for Health and Neuroscience is aimed at encouraging scholars in health science, medicine, and other fields, especially experts who have made outstanding contributions in neuroscience, neurobiology, neuropathology, behavioral genetics, Alzheimer's disease, and other fields.

About George Perry:

George Perry is Semmes Distinguished University Chair in Neurobiology and Professor of Neuroscience, Development and Regenerative Biology and also Professor of Chemistry at The University of Texas at San Antonio. Perry is recognized in the field of Alzheimer's disease research particularly for his work on oxidative stress. Perry received his bachelor's of arts degree in zoology with high honors from University of California, Santa Barbara. After graduation, he headed to Scripps Institution of Oceanography and obtained his Ph.D. in marine biology under David Epel in 1979. He then received a postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Cell Biology in the laboratories of Drs. Bill Brinkley and Joseph Bryan at Baylor College of Medicine where he laid the foundation for his observations of abnormalities in cell structures. In 1982, Perry joined the faculty of Case Western Reserve University, where he currently holds an adjunct appointment. He is distinguished as one of the top Alzheimer’s disease researchers with over 1000 publications, one of the top 100 most-cited scientists in neuroscience and behavior and one of the top 25 scientists in free radical research. Perry has been cited over 122,000 times (H=174) and is recognized as an ISI highly cited researcher. Perry is editor for numerous journals and is Editor-in-Chief for the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease. He is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, Texas Academy of Sciences (Texas Distinguished Scientist), World Academy of Medical Sciences (FWAMS), EU Academy Sciences, and the Microscopy Society of America and past-president of the Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences and the American Association of Neuropathologists. He is a Foreign Correspondent Member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Sciences, Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. Perry's research is primarily focused on how Alzheimer disease develops and the physiological consequences of the disease at a cellular level. He is currently working to determine the sequence of events leading to damage caused by and the source of increased oxygen radicals.

How to Become the Award Winner?
Eligibility: Nominees should be senior researchers with substantial achievements over their career in research, education, and service within Health and Neuroscience.
Submission Requirements: Nominees must submit a comprehensive resume, a concise biography of up to 400 words, and at least five representative research papers that showcase their significant contributions to the field.
Nomination Process: Candidates must be nominated by two senior researchers who can attest to the nominee's exemplary contributions and leadership in the field.
Selection: Each year, several individuals are honored with this award. Selection is based on their extraordinary contributions to the advancement of science, engineering, or technology. When candidates are equally qualified, the selection committee prioritizes those who best meet the award's standards.
We strongly emphasize that we give top priority to scholars who have contributed to our academic conferences (both online and onsite), activities, and journals. Those who have contributed to the development of our team are also highly valued.

Important Dates
For information on nomination deadlines, the selection process, and the announcement of awardees, please refer to our latest announcement. This ensures all participants and nominators are well-informed of the IETI George Perry Award for Health and Neuroscience's prestigious legacy and the critical timelines for submission.

2024 Announcement

Nominations are invited for the 2024 year. The deadline for nominations is on September 30 2024. Please send the nomination package by email to info#ieti.net. The awardee will be announced before December 31 2024.

Annual Scientific Award
Green Award
Ramesh Agarwal Award
James Crabbe Award
George Perry Award
Young Researcher Award
PhD Award
Best Paper Award