February 19, 2020
IETI established the IETI Annual Scientific Award (ASA) to recognize its best scholars every year. Nominations are selected by the Election Committee based on the recommendation reports. All Members and Fellows of IETI are eligible for consideration.
The Election Committee consisted of IETI Leading Members chaired by the IETI Presidents. Each scholar nominated was examined carefully before the decision was made for the Micromachines IETI 2019 IETI Annual Scientific Award. Congratulations to the 3 winners:
Marc A. Rosen (Ontario Tech University, Canada)
He has carried out extensive groundbreaking research for industry and others on energy and thermofluids engineering, especially in the context of energy technologies, leading to enhanced sustainability, increased efficiency and reduced emissions and costs.
Ramesh K. Agarwal (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)
For pioneering development of Computational Fluid Dynamics methods and industrial grade codes on advanced computing platforms and their ingenious application to aerodynamic analysis and improvements in the design of almost all categories of actual flying aerospace vehicles including green aircraft concepts and contributions to applications in clean and renewable energy.
Shiqing Ling (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong)
His research involves change‐point problems, empirical processes, financial econometrics, large sample theory, long memory time series, non‐stationary time series, and nonlinear time series. He is a leading expert in the field of time series analysis and has published prolifically in the leading journals in statistics and econometrics.
In recognition of their accomplishments, each Annual Scientific Award winner will be given a certificate.
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