May 11 2023
After nomination and voting, we are delighted to announce the winner of the 2022 7th IETI Annual Scientific Award.
Prof. Dr. Witold Pedrycz
Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Nomination summary
For pioneering, original and highly impactful research in Granular Computing and fuzzy sets by developing their concepts, fundamentals, algorithms and fostering their real-world applications to a plethora of decision making and industrial processes.
Dr. Pedrycz has been a recipient of numerous awards and recognitions:
IEEE Life Fellow,
Fellow of Royal Society of Canada (RSC),
Foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
2020 Distinguished Fellow of IETI (InternationalEngineering and Technology Institute)
HonoraryDoctorate of Macao University of Science and Technology,
Honorary doctorate of Azerbaijan State Oil andIndustry University (ASOIU),
CanadaResearch Chair (CRC)
Life Achievement Award of International Institute ofCognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing(I2CICC) Founding Fellow,
IEEE Norbert Wiener award from the IEEE Society ofSystems, Man and Cybernetics
IEEE Fuzzy Pioneer award from the IEEE Society ofComputational Intelligence
and numerous IEEE awards.
The current h-index (Google Scholar) is 124 and the total number ofcitations is 84,668 (as of January 17, 2023). He is recognized several times asa highly cited researcher (Clarivite), the most recent one in 2021. His papersreceived outstanding paper awards (e.g., A. Segatori; F. Marcelloni; W. Pedrycz. (2018). On distributed fuzzydecision trees for big data. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26,174-192, 2021 IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems Outstanding Paper Award).