1 st China-Africa Peace & Development Forum 12 th – 13 th April 2018
@Intercontinental Resort, Balaclava Fort, Mauritius
It is a pleasure for us to invite you for the 1 st China – Africa Peace & Development Forum, 12 th -13 th April 2018 @ Intercontinental Resort, Balaclava Fort, Mauritius, in conjunction with the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Foundation, Indian Ocean Islands and the Charhar Institute of China.
A welcome visit to the Forum for communication on governmental cultural exchange, support and related policies for Industry, Finance, Investment and the collaboration between China ‐ Indian Ocean Islands ‐ and African cooperation projects, and to celebrate Mauritius cooperating in Peace and Harmony for its 50 th Year of Independence since 1968.
We have many keynote speakers and officials attending the Forum from China, Africa, Europe, Madagascar, Seychelles, Reunion & Mauritius. We would welcome your attendance along with our other dignitaries & distinguished guests on this great journey along the 21 st Century Maritime Silk Road ‘ONE BELT ONE ROAD’ with our aim to unite all the Countries along the ancient routes, through Peace & Development, collaboration & cooperation, our Maritime Silk Road Indian Ocean Islands Foundation in Mauritius together with the Forum Host Sir Anerood Jugnauth (Mentor Minister) and the Charhar Institute of China.
We wish you a successful visit and looking forward to meeting you at the venue.
Executive Committee.
Attached is Registration Form
Registration Form.pdf