On December 30, 2020, 2020 Materials and Engineering Forum was successfully held in Hong Kong, bringing together scholars from more than 10 countries. In addition, scholars from more than 30 units participated in this conference in various ways. IETI expresses gratitude to all supporting units and scholars.
2020 Materials and Engineering Forum (MEF) & International Symposium on Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering (MSME) will be held in Hong Kong China on December 29-31, 2020. It is hosted by International Engineering and Technology Institute, co-organized by NanoFemto Lab, Canada, Center for Advanced Diffusion-Wave and Photoacoustic Technologies (CADIPT), MIE, UToronto, Canada, Hohai University Institute of Physics, China, Interactions, Dynamics, and Energetics in the Atmosphere (IDEA) Team, PSU, USA, Integrated Energy Solutions for Entrepreneurs (IESE) Program, PSU, USA, WUT Nano Key Lab, China, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIU, USA, Key Lab of New Processing Technology for Nonferrous Metals & Materials, Ministry of Education, China. The conference will invite international scholars to make conference reports and present the latest research results, aiming to become the flagship academic conference in the field of materials engineering. MEF will provide a first-class academic exchange platform for academicians, professors, researchers and teachers and students in the world. The meeting will be exchanged in the form of conference reports, group reports, and paper publications. At the same time, in order to recognize outstanding manuscripts, the conference set the best paper awards. The working language of the conference is mainly in English and supplemented by Chinese.