About George Perry: He is the President of IETI, and Top expert in Alzheimer's Disease (EiC of The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease; Medical researcher for over 30 years; Most prolific author on Alzheimer's disease and among the most cited.). For more details about him, you can visit [2] [3].
1 What is currently being explored in the Alzheimer's research front? [4]
Journal of Alzheimer's Diseasehttp://j-alz.com/top50
Above are a couple links to some of the hottest areas in Alzheimer research. Major areas are amyloid beta, tau, inflammation, infectious agents, metabolism, oxidative stress, life style, metals, biomarkers, vascular disease, imaging, lipoproteins, diabetes, and prion-like properties. The newest area is the link between Alzheimer and lifestyle that substantially lowers risk,estimated at 50–90% reduction.
2 What can I do to prevent me from having Alzheimer's disease in my old age if I am a teenager now? [4]
A great summary of this issue was made by Jean Carper in her book
100 Simple Things You Can Do to Prevent Alzheimer's and Age-Related Memory Loss: Jean Carper: 9780316086844: Amazon.com: Books
Also a foundation I work with, Alzheimer’’s Research and Prevention Foundation, has formulated 4 things you can do to reduce Alzheimer
4 Pillars of Prevention
Nutrition, exercise, stress management and having a meaning in life.
3 What is known today about Alzheimer's that wasn't known five years ago? How does it change things? [4]
The biggest new thing in the past 5 years is that lifestyle can reduce Alzheimer disease (AD) by 50 to 90 %. This places AD as similar to other age related diseases that represent modifiable degeneration and can be effectively treated but not cured. Penetration of this message can transform the field for the better by helping patients live a longer healthier life.
4 Why does exercise have such a protective effect against Alzheimer's? [4]
While we do not know, it is likely that exercise modifies metabolism to yield greater capacity as opposed to a living a sedentary lifestyle. The stress of exercise induces changes that protect tissues from the more common stress of aging, sorting this out can yield clues as to therapeutic routes.
5 Is there any cure for dementia? [4]
There are cures if the cause is depression or nutrition deficiency. If the cause is Alzheimer or other neurodegenerative disease, there are no cures. Instead there are approaches to care that greatly assist families to care for their family member. I post many of these ideas at a Facebook Page Journal of Alzheimer's Disease.
6 What are the most exciting areas of research in Alzheimer's resesarch? [4]
We asked experts in the field, what are the 50 most exciting papers published in the past 5 years. The link below lists them.
I think the greatest advances are in lifestyle, biomarkers and imaging.
7 How many years will it be before we see a cure for Alzheimer's? [4]
The question all Alzheimer researchers are asking. Over twenty years ago, prominent researchers said we would have a cure in years, yet we have no more effective therapy and are no closer to a cure now than then. The current therapy is based on ideas from the late 1970’s. A cure will require a clearer understanding of the disease than given by the amyloid cascade. I present an allternative view in the webinar below.
The links below further these views
Alzheimer’s Documentary Replaces Fear with Knowledge
Frustration flares after another Alzheimer's drug failure
[1] The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease: http://j-alz.com/
[2] George Perry, IETI Distinguished Fellow: http://www.ieti.net/DFPerry.html
[3] George Perry Profile: https://www.utsa.edu/sciences/about/dean-bio.html
[4] Session with George Perry: https://www.quora.com/session/George-Perry-5/1
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