July 5 2022
After nomination and voting, we are delighted to announce the winner of the 2022 IETI Green Development and Sustainability Award.

James is a former Governing Body Fellow of Wolfson College, having previously been a Research Fellow and a Guy Newton Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow. He has been the Wine Steward at Wolfson and was Chair of the Social and Cultural Committee for four years. An Emeritus Professor, he was formerly Professor of Protein Biochemistry and Head of School at the University of Reading, and Executive Dean of Creative Arts, Technologies & Science and Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bedfordshire. He is currently a Consultant on Red Listing to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), ‘100 Talents’ Special Visiting Professor at Shanxi University, Honorary Professor at both Changchun University of Science & Technology and at Wuhan Business University, China. His research, spanning biomedical & environmental sciences, education, and the humanities has resulted in 294 research publications in refereed journals and books, plus 14 items of commercial molecular modelling software produced by Oxford University Press. In 2018 he won the Annual Scientific Award of the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) and in 2006 he won the 6th Aviva / Earthwatch International Award for Climate Change Research. In 2008 he received the Award of Outstanding International Contribution to the Creative Industry of China during the 3rd China Creative Industry Awards, presented at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. James is a JP and runs a Special Interest Group on Education in the Criminal Justice System for the Educators’ Company in the City. A former free-lance recording engineer and producer, he works with young talented musicians for the Worshipful Company of Musicians. James is a former National Leader of Governance and in 2021 celebrated his first 10 years as Chair of Governors of a Further Education College in Bedfordshire.