January 8th 2024
After nomination and voting, the International Engineering and Technology Institute (IETI) is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 8th IETI Annual Scientific Award.
"This is a globally recognized and supreme reward. We are thrilled to present the 2023 8th IETI Annual Scientific Award to the excellent professors," said by IETI Annual Scientific Award committee. "Their contributions to technologies and engineering have made and continue to do a difference in the world."
2 winners are:

Prof. Dr. Radu Rey, Romanian Academy, Romania
Nomination summary:
For outstanding contributions to the innovation of sustainable models in mountain and rural areas; involvement in the implementation of projects related to mountain and rural areas; providing long-term services for mountain and rural areas management, education, and green development; and for widely recognized by both international and national communities.

Prof. Dr. Jinde Cao, Southeast University, China
Nomination summary:
For fundamental contributions to mathematical models, dynamical analysis, and control theory of various networked systems and complex dynamical networks with their engineering applications, and for outstanding contributions to international collaborations.
Until now, IETI announced on 20 winners, recognized for their exemplary performance in the their academic years. IETI is a non-profit, non religious, non political international academic organization consisting of six Nobel prize laureates, three Turing award laureates, one Fields medal laureate, three Wolf prize laureates, two John Bates Clark medal laureates, one MacArthur fellowship laureate, one Oscar award laureate, and one King Faisal international prize laureate, 200+ academicians, 50+ ACM / IEEE fellows. The main goals of IETI are to provide an active forum of the applications of engineering and science, innovations of technology and science, and sustainability of social science. IETI chooses general education as its vision to promote the coordinated development of natural sciences, engineering sciences, and social sciences.