Vice-president of International Association for Global Studies.
Chair of Philosophy of the Moscow Financial University.
First vice-president of the Russian Philosophical Society.
"Age of Globalization" Journal, Editor-in-Chief (since 2008).
"Bulletin of the Russian Philosophical Society", Editor-in-Chief (since 1997).
Fellow of The Russian Ecological Academy (since 1991).
Laureate of International N.K. Baybakov prize awarded by the International Fuel and Energy Association
Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie“ (AIPPh), Member of the Board (since 2012).
Beijing Normal University (Beijing, China), Visiting Professor (2007-2010).
Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Faculty of Global Processes, Lecturer, Professor (since 2008).
The Monthly Research Seminar ?Philosophical and Methodological Studies of the Process of Globalization?, Moscow, Russia, Founder and Co-Chair (since 2000).
Renmin University of China (Beijing, China), Visiting Professor (2015).
Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie. Congress ‘Philosophy and Translation‘ (Bonn, Germany), Lecturer (2015).