1. Research
1.1. Educational robotics
I started my research in educational robotics when this field was at its infancy.
1.1.1. The development of spatial skills through operating robot-manipulators
I first encountered indications of growth in spatial skills with high school students engaged in programming a robot manipulator to automatically assemble block puzzles. My next papers proposed an approach to incorporate spatial training into the teaching of robot manipulator operation. The approach was tested in middle and high school classes, and our study showed that the students made significant progress in tasks related to spatial ability categories practiced in the course. In recent years I continued this research in the robotics laboratory of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management with support from the Technion Gordon Center for Systems Engineering and Israel Science Foundation. In this study conducted together with my doctoral student we developed a learning environment for practice in programming and operating virtual and real robot manipulations with oriented blocks and block structures. The study indicated a significant gain in students' performance of spatial perception, mental rotation, and visualization tests, and in the awareness on spatial skills required in robotic production.
1.1.2. Didactics of robot competitions
Recent intensive development in robot contests motivated research of their methodical aspects and educational values. I was among the first who did educational studies in this area. My survey studies of the first robot soccer contests derived and analyzed factual information on educational processes in the robotics projects.
Since 2000, together with my students, we studied learning strategies and outcomes of student teams participated in the Trinity College Fire-Fighting Home Robot Contest. We used the contest as a laboratory for educational experiments. I proposed and implemented an Olympiad test to evaluate theoretical knowledge in roboticsrelated areas. To our knowledge, we were the first who introduced a theoretical round as part of a major robot competition. Our study showed that the tests facilitated student understanding of knowledge acquired through a robot project.
Other experiment was the development, implementation, and evaluation of an assistive robotics competition. As indicated, assistive task can inspire challenging projects in robot design and facilitate socially responsible engineering education.
1.1.3. Robotics in STEM education
Several collaborative studies with Ahlgren proposed a model of the introductory robotics course for engineering students and analyzed its objectives, contents, activities, and outcomes.
A series of studies conducted with my students included development of a learning environment and analysis of learning processes and student outcomes. The study reported in followed up the first ever experience to teach robotics as an optional matriculation subject in comprehensive high schools in Israel. The study developed methodical principles of a school graduation project in robot design and practically demonstrated their implementation. To our knowledge, it was the first research work on how to integrate projects motivated by robot competitions in school education. The study had two innovative features; first, it
used a twotiered approach, where pre-service teachers were involved in developing robots and instructional materials, and assisted in teaching robotics to school pupils. Second, it applied the grounded theory method to find out and characterize learning behaviors in the robotic environment. The study developed in evaluated an approach to learning physics and electronics through constructing sensors and navigating mobile robots.
Three recently completed doctoral studies under my guidance propose innovative ways of using robotics in STEM education. The first study developed an approach for the integration of science and technology through inquiry into biological systems and creation of their robotic models. The implementation of this approach indicated that it can facilitate student learning in robotics and biology, and yields a significant gain in analogical reasoning.
The second study developed a computer-automated environment for laboratory studies of high school chemistry. We found that automation enables chemistry majors a sharp increase in the effectiveness of laboratory experimentation and expansion of inquiry opportunities.Yet, for technology majors, constructing automation devices and using them for chemical experiments opened a pathway to studying chemistry.
The third study developed an approach to learning through interaction with robots and showed that this approach can be effectively used for teaching science and technology in a science museum. We were among the first to create a science lesson through mediation of a full-size humanoid robot and deliver it to groups of 5th to 7th graders. Our experiments showed that the majority of students understood the concepts taught in the lesson. We discerned the factors influencing the level of the student learning interaction with the robot.
My experience of research in educational robotics is summarized in a series of plenary and invited talks.
1.2. Mathematics with applications
From the experience of teaching mathematics to engineering students I learned that showing how the studied concepts can be applied to practical problems can greatly help to comprehend the material. This motivated me to explore ways to enhance learning mathematics through practical application of the acquired knowledge.
In the Masters degree research we developed and conducted in an architecture college an introductory calculus course, based on the realistic mathematics education approach. The course follow-up indicated the positive effect of integrating applications on motivation, understanding, creativity and interest in mathematics. However we did not found that the architecture students considerably applied mathematical knowledge acquired in the course in their senior design projects. This situation motivated us to continue with a doctoral research and develop a course in Mathematical Aspects in Architectural Design that offers mathematical learning as part of hands-on practice in the design studio. The study indicated that the majority of the college students practically applied their mathematical background knowledge and the new concepts learned in the course in their projects. To our knowledge we were the first to develop and evaluate a two-course mathematics sequence for architecture education.
The doctoral study under my guidance together with Prof. Abraham Berman from the Faculty of Mathematics explored the integration of applications in a Multivariable Calculus course. We developed an innovative framework of supplementary tutorials that extended the conventional curriculum by optional applied problem solving activities without compromising the level of the mathematical rigor. The study revealed significant positive effect of the tutorials on the students' achievements and attitudes towards the course.
Another doctoral study investigated learning geometry in an ethnomathematically-based teacher education course. The study showed that the course reinforced prospective teachers' knowledge of geometry and skills of culturally responsive teaching, and fostered their learning engagement.
1.3. New and future directions
I continue research in the directions described above in the framework of the new Center for Robotics and Digital Technology
Education (CRDTE), which I founded in 2014 and head.The center has been supported by the three-year grant from PTC. In April 2017
we received from the company the additional grant for 2017-2020.
Spatial learning through remote operation of robots
I achieved the 3-year grant of the Israel Science Foundation for this research in November 2016. Based on this grant we are
developing a remote laboratory for training spatial skills through teleoperation of robot-manipulators.
CDIO approach to technology teacher education
The Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate approach was developed to reform engineering education. We are among the first who explore its adaptation to technology teacher education. Based on CDIO, we developed didactic models that significantly changed our mechanical engineering education program. The program was highly evaluated by the international committee for periodic evaluation of our faculty (2017).
Learning through Digital Design and Manufacturing of 3D models
We equipped the laboratory with systems that students use to design and analyze models and physically embody them through 3D printing. An ongoing thesis study under my guidance explores the opportunity to foster the development of teacher competencies in system design and analysis through reverse engineering and making. Two more thesis studies explore learning digital design and production through multi-age mentoring, and construction of knowledge in high school kinematics through integrative learning of basic physics and mechatronics. The studies are supported by Intel Israel. Based on the Ruch exchange grant I together with graduate students developed and conducted workshops in intelligent robotics and making at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute.
Learning with learning robots
This study develops an approach to learning new technologies and concepts, such as robot
learning, parametric design, digital prototyping, connectivity, internet of things, and humanrobot interaction. It is supported by the two-year PTC research grant 2015-2017 and the additional three-year grant 2017-2020. In 2015-18 four undergraduate interns from MIT under my supervision implemented reinforcement learning experiments in which biped robots and manipulators learned to keep balance while lifting weights and carry out load operations through IoT communication with Turtlebot robots serving as transporters. Our paper on these experiments got Best Paper Award of the REV 2018 conference.
2. Teaching
I teach core courses in mechanical engineering education and other undergraduate and graduate courses. Our undergraduate program for training certified teachers of mechanical engineering is the only one in Israeli universities. I created and equipped the laboratory where the students develop instructional materials, master educational technology, make educational experiments, engage in peer teaching, participate in school outreach, and communicate and collaborate. Students in the mechanical engineering education courses learn pedagogical fundamentals, train technological skills, develop instructional units, and practice in teaching them to school pupils. Examples of other courses are "Teaching methods in science museums" and "Issues in Ethnomathematics". The former is open for all students of the faculty and is conducted in collaboration with the science museum MadaTech. The latter is intended mainly for students majoring in mathematics education. It includes practice in analysis and construction of geometric ornaments, studying principles of teaching geometry in cultural context, development of instructional units on ornaments from different cultures, and practice in teaching multi-cultural groups of school students. I teach together with my Ph.D. student a 6-hours robotics workshop for all first-year students of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering and Management. I also give lectures and workshops in robotics and digital technology education for international groups of school students, teachers, university students and professors through the Technion International and other outreach programs. I guided two summer internship projects of MIT undergraduate students in 2013 and in 2015. In 1991-1996 I taught higher mathematics courses at the Faculty of Mathematics. While on sabbatical in the USA, I taught the graduate course "Teaching science and mathematics through engineering education" at Tufts University.
3. Service
I am the faculty coordinator of graduate studies, a member of Technion Senate and several committees. I head the Center for Robotics and Digital Technology Education which promotes technology education in schools with active participation of Technion students. A number of our projects have attracted public interest and media coverage in Israel and abroad
I actively participate in the development of robotics programs and courses of the MadaTech Museum. Among them are the 2010 Robot World exhibition attended by more than 350,000 visitors, the OlympiYeda competitions 2011 and 2012 each engaged more than 5,000 participants.
I am involved in and lead international activities for promoting development of educational robotics. Since 2000, I have served as an advisory committee member of the Trinity College International Robot Contest in Hartford, CT, and of the Israel regional contest organized by the Ministry of Education. Since 2003 I have served on the Committee of the International Robot Olympiad (IRO and for a number of years chaired its Creative Category Division and judged the contest projects. A number of student teams under my supervision won international robot competitions. Recently I have been appointed by the Israel Ministry of Education as Committee Member of the high school discipline "Science and Technology for All".