Prof. R. Saurel, born in 1964 in Marseille, France, received his Engineer degree in 1988 and PhD in 1990 at Aix-Marseille University. He worked as Associate Professor
in the Mechanical Department of the Provence University in 1991, became professor in the same university in 1999. He was elected junior member of the prestigious University Institute of France during (2003-2008). He received the science and Defense Prize in 2006 and the Edmond Brun Prize of the Academy of Sciences in 2010. He is now Distinguished Professor of Mechanics and Senior Member of the University Institute of France. His scientific contributions belong mainly to the areas of multiphase flow modelling, material interfaces, shocks and detonations, conservative and non-conservative hyperbolic systems with relaxation. In particular he is co-author of the “diffuse interface theory” that enables capturing of material interfaces with the same equations and same flow solver. He has published nearly 100 papers in journals and being invited in more than 30 conferences and workshops.
Engineer, Rank 1st, IUSTI, Marseille, France, 1985-1988
Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, AMU, France, 09/1988 – 11/1990
HDR (Second Thesis), Mechanical Engineering, AMU, France, 12/1990 – 05/1995
Research specialty
Multiphase flow modeling, interfacial flows, shocks and detonations, phase transition, boiling and cavitating flow modeling, hyperbolic systems of equations.
Junior Member of the University Institute of France (2002-2007)
Science and Defense Prize, 2006
Edmond Brun Prize of the National Academy of Sciences, 2010
Senior Member of the University Institute of France (2013 - 2018)
2004- 2007: Director of the Master Energetics and Combustion.
2008-2011 : Director of the doctoral school (ED 353) of Engineering sciences in Marseille
2011- 2018: Responsible of the axis 'Heterogenous Media', Labex MEC, AMU.
Startup creation and management:
2004- present: CEO of RS2N SAS (
Customers: Naval Group, DGA, CEA DAM, SNECMA, CNES, Eurenco.