Prof. Sang-BingTsai
International Engineering and TechnologyInstitute, Hong Kong, China
School of Business, WUYI University, China
Technology Management Ph.D.
E-mail: ;
ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6988-5829
IETI Fellow
Elsevier Highly Cited Chinese Researchers
Stanford University Top 2 Scientists List
Prof. Sang-BingTsai is currently the Professor at Wuyi University and InternationalEngineering and Technology Institute, Hong Kong, China. He is TechnologyManagement PhD. Dr. Tsai is the Editor-in-Chief for the Journal ofOrganizational and End User Computing (SSCI/SCI). He also is the AssociateEditor for Journal of Global Information Management (SSCI) and Kybernetes(SCI), Environment, Development and Sustainability (SCI), Scientific Reports(SCI) as well as serving on the editorial boards of 20 other journals. Hisrecent research interests in Operation Management, Sustainability, Big data,and Computer Science. He haswell over 200 published peer-reviewed journal articles.
Journal Editor: (SSCI/SCI):
Journal ofOrganizational and End User Computing (SSCI/SCI)
Journal of GlobalInformation Management (Associate Editor) (SSCI/SCI)
Journal ofDatabase Management (Associate Editor) (SCI)
Kybernetes(Associate Editor) (SCI)
Environment,Development and Sustainability (Editor Board) (SCI)
Sustainability(Editor Board) (SSCI/SCI)
Energies (EditorBoard) (SCI)
Energy Sources,Part A (Editor Board) (SCI)
Scientific Reports(Editor Board) (SCI)
EcologicalChemistry and Engineering S (Editor Board) (SCI)
InternationalJournal of Web Services Research (Editor Board) (SCI)
EnterpriseInformation Systems (Editor Board) (SCI)
BAR - BrazilianAdministration Review (Editor Board)
Partial Journal articles:
1. Sang-BingTsai*. 2016. Using Grey Models forForecasting China’s Growth Trends in Renewable Energy Consumption. CleanTechnologies and Environmental Policy, 2016, 18, 563-571.
2. Sang-BingTsai*. 2018. Using the DEMATEL Model toExplore the Job Satisfaction of Research and Development Professionals inChina’s Photovoltaic Cell Industry. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,2018, 81, 62-68.
3. Sang-BingTsai*, Youzhi Xue, Jianyu Zhang, et al.2017. Models for Forecasting Growth Trends in Renewable Energy. Renewable &Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2017, 77, 1169-1178.
4. Sang-Bing Tsai*, Jian Yu, Li Ma et al. 2018. A Study on Solving theProduction Process Problems of the Photovoltaic Cell Industry. Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews, 2018, 82, 3546-3553.
5. Sang-BingTsai*, Wenqing Wu, Saixiang Ma, Chia-HueiWu. Benchmarking, knowledge inertia, and knowledge performance in differentnetwork structures[J]. Enterprise Information Systems, 2020,14(5):641–660.
6. Sang-BingTsai*. Special Issue on Security andPrivacy in Cloud Computing Preface. Journal of Organizational and End UserComputing, 2020, 32(3), 1-20.
7. WenqingWu, Saixiang Ma, Kai Wang, Sang-Bing Tsai*, Wen-Pin Lin. EntrepreneurialTeam Learning, Forgetting and Knowledge Levels in Business Incubators: AnExploration and Exploitation Perspective[J]. Journal of Artificial Societiesand Social Simulation, 2019, 22(1):1-20.
8. WenqingWu, Yongqian Liu, Chia-Huei Wu, Sang-Bing Tsai*. An empirical study ongovernment direct environmental regulation and heterogeneous innovationinvestment. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 254:120079.
9. WenqingWu, Sitong An, Chia-Huei Wu, Sang-Bing Tsai*. An Empirical Study onGreen Environmental System Certification Affects Financing Cost of High EnergyConsumption Enterprises-Taking Metallurgical Enterprises As An Example. Journalof Cleaner Production, 2020,244:118848.
10. AijunLiu, Yaxuan Xiao, Hui Lu, Sang-Bing Tsai*, Wei Song. A fuzzy three-stagemulti-attribute decision-making approach based on customer needs forsustainable supplier selection. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019,239:118043.
11. Sang-BingTsai*. Organization and User Computing and Risk Control UnderSocial Network Preface. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing,33(2), 1-20.
12. Chia-HueiWu, Wenqing Wu, Saixiang Ma, Yuzheng Su, Sang-Bing Tsai*. Organisationalleadership style, network structure, and knowledge performance in onlineknowledge community organisations. Enterprise Information Systems, 2021, 15(6):868–887.
13. XiaolongXu , Qi Wu, Lianyong Qi, Wanchun Dou , Sang-Bing Tsai , and Md ZakirulAlam Bhuiyan. Trust-Aware Service Offloading for Video Surveillance in EdgeComputing Enabled Internet of Vehicles. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENTTRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, 2021. 22(3), 1787-1796.
14. JieZhou, Qiang Wang , Sang-Bing Tsai*, Youzhi Xue and Weiwei Dong. 2017.How to Evaluate the Job Satisfaction of Development Personnel. IEEETransactions On Systems Man Cybernetics-Systems, 2017, 47(11), 2809 – 2816.10.1109/TSMC.2016.2519860
15. Yu-ChengLee, Chia-Huei Wu and Sang-Bing Tsai*. (2013). Grey System Theory andFuzzy Time Series Forecasting for the Growth of Green Electronic Materials.International Journal of Production Research, 52(10), 2931-2945. DOI:10.1080/00207543.2013.857057.
16. Wei-FengGuo, Jian Zhou, Chih-Lang Yu, Sang-Bing Tsai*, You-Zhi Xue. (2015).Evaluating the green corporate social responsibility of manufacturingcorporations from a green industry law perspective. International Journal of Production Research,53(2), 665-674.
17. Sang-BingTsai*, Yu-Min Wei, Kuan-Yu Chen, et al.2015. Evaluating Green Suppliers from Green Environmental Perspective.Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design, 2016, 43(5), 941-959.
18. Chia-HueiWu and Sang-Bing Tsai*. (2018). Using DEMATEL-based ANP Model to Measurethe successful factors of E-commerce. Journal of Global Information Management,26(1), 120-135.
19. WenqingWu, Saixiang Ma, Sang-Bing Tsai*. 2019. Entrepreneurial Team Learning,Forgetting and Knowledge Levels in Business Incubators: An Exploration andExploitation Perspective. Journal of Artificial Societies and SocialSimulation, 2019,22(1):10. doi: 10.18564/jasss.3932.
20. Chia-HueiWu, Wenqing Wu, Saixiang Ma, Yuzheng Su, Sang-Bing Tsai*. Organisationalleadership style, network structure, and knowledge performance in onlineknowledge community organisations. Enterprise Information Systems, 2021, 15(6):868–887.
21. WenqingWu, Xuan Huang, Chia-Huei Wu, Sang-Bing Tsai*. Technologicalboundary-spanning search, crowdfunding interaction and crowdfunding innovationperformance: a mediated moderation model of knowledge sharing. EnterpriseInformation Systems, 2021, 15(3): 352–372.
22. WuWenqing, Su Yuzheng, S.B. Tsai*.2021. WeChat relationships maintenance behavior and social entrepreneurialintention under conditions of dual narcissism: the mediating role of socialcapital [J]. Information Technology & People, Doi: 10.1108/ITP-04-2020-0248.
23. Y.B.Xu, W. Liu*, T. He, S.B. Tsai. 2023. ‘Buzzwordor fuzzword: an event study of the metaverse in the Chinese stock market’, Internet Research (IF 6.353, ABS-3, ABDC-A, SSCI Q2),In Press.
24. WenqingWu, Xuan Huang, S.B. Tsai*.2022. Pricing Strategy and Performance Investment Decisions in CompetitiveCrowdfunding Markets. Journal of Business Research,
25. WenqingWu, Pianpian Zhang, S.B. Tsai*.2022. IT investment and corporate collaborative innovation: The moderating roleof the top management team's educational background and absorptive capacity.Internet Research, Doi:10.1108/INTR-12-2021-0899.