Research Interests: Dynamics of Complex Fluids
Rheology of emulsions and foams; Microfluidics; Interfacial flows, surfactant effects; Microcirculation, membranes; Drop breakup and coalescence; Transport in microstructured media
Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
California Institute of Technology, June 1988
Dissertation Advisor: Professor G.R. Gavalas
“Heterogeneous reaction and diffusion in microstructured materials”
B.S. Chemical Engineering
Purdue University, May 1982
Academic Positions
Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Yale University, 2003-present
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Yale University, 2000-2003
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering
Yale University, 1995-2000
Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for “novel research
on viscous multiphase fluids leading to the development of predictive models for use in the
chemical and manufacturing industries,” 1999.
Outstanding Paper Award “Drop deformation and breakup in isotropic turbulence.”
AIChE annual meeting, 1997
CAREER Award, National Science Foundation, 1996
Graduate Mentor Award, Yale University, 2003
Junior Faculty Fellowship, Yale University, 1999
Arthur Greer Memorial Prize, Yale University, 1997