Asaf Hajiyev was born on 29 May 1951 in Gyanja (Azerbaijan). 1973 he was educated from Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU), 1979 got Ph.D. in Mathematics in MSU, and 1992 Doctor of Sciences degree in N.Bauman Moscow State Technical University, professor. In 2001 he was elected correspondent member and in 2014 full member (academician) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. His scientific interests are the theory of probability and mathematical statistics, queuing theory, regression models, and stochastic simulation. He is author of 3 books and more than 150 scientific articles, published in world-leading scientific journals, Editor of 10 books, published in Springer. He is author of the Encyclopedia of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics in Azerbaijanian language and Azerbaijan-Turkish-English-Russin Terminology Vocabulary of Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Under his leadership, it was created the optimal placement of the letters of Azerbaijanian language on a computer keyboard.
In 1980 A.Hajiyev was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize in Science and Engineering He is a member of the Bernoulli Society of Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory and International Statistical Institute. A. Hajiyev is Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences (Italy), Honorary Member of the Mongolian National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Honorary Professor, and Founding Member of International Advisory Board of Sichuan University. 2001-2015 he was chair of the department of theory of probability and mathematical statistics at Baku State University. Under his leadership, 4 Doctor of Sciences and 8 Ph.D. thesis have been defended. Since 2001 he is Head of the department in the Institute of Control Systems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. He has invited professors of Berkeley, G.Washington, Lincoln universities (USA), Royal Institute of Technology, Chalmers University, Umea University (Sweden), Bogazici University, METU (Turkey), Lisbon University,(Portugal) and others. 2005-2010 he was a senior associate of the Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics.
A..Hajiyev member of the board of several scientific journals: Applied and Computational Mathematics, Management Science and Engineering Management, Experimental Biology, and Agriculture Sciences. 2006-2015 he was a member of Milli Mejlis (Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan) from Ganja. 2006-2008, 2011-2013 he was elected Vice-president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Black Sea Cooperation (PABSEC) and in 2015 the Secretary-General of PABSEC until 2025. Since 2008 he is a member of the New Azerbaijan Patry (NAP) and in 2013 was elected member of the Political Council of NAP. He is married and has 3 children.