Prof Wai Lok Woo received the BEng degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MSc and the PhD degree from the Newcastle University, UK. He is the recipient of the IEE Prize and the British Commonwealth Scholarship.
Prof Woo currently holds the Chair in Machine Learning with Northumbria University, UK. He was previously the Director of Research for Newcastle Research and Innovation Institute, and Director of Operations of Newcastle University. His major research is in the mathematical theory and algorithms for data science and analytics. This includes areas of artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, latent component analysis, multidimensional signal and image processing. He has an extensive portfolio of relevant research supported by a variety of funding agencies. He has published over 350 papers on these topics on various journals and international conference proceedings. He serves as Associate Editor to several international signal processing journals including IET Signal Processing, Journal of Acoustics, Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering. He actively participate in international conferences and workshops, and serves on their organizing and technical committees. Prof Woo is a Member of the Institution Engineering Technology (IET) and Senior Member of Institution of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IEEE).