Dr. AlMalik was the Advisor and GeneralSupervisor of International Affairs at the Ministry of Education (MOE), theAdvisor on Health Affairs to the Minister of Education in Saudi Arabia, theSecretary General of the Saudi National Commission for Education, Science andCulture, and a consultant on allergy and immunology for the National Guard atKing Abdulaziz Medical City. He also headed the knowledge-based industriessector at the Saudi Arabia General Investment Authority (SAGIA), where he ledthe development of their knowledge-based industry strategy and was subsequentlyable to attract key new investments to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prior tothat, he held the position of Deputy Executive Director of Medical Services atthe Central Region at the National Guard Health Affairs for nine years, duringwhich he developed innovative methods and strategies pertaining to healthcarethrough resources utilization and cost containment. Moreover, Dr. Almalik is anoutstanding expert in building strategic partnerships, working withinternational organizations, and developing national initiatives in the fieldsof education, culture and health. He also worked as a part-time assistantprofessor at Al Faisal University, and was actively involved in numerouscharity events for social, humanitarian and voluntary initiatives. Dr. AlMalikdeveloped educational partnerships; adopted initiatives with internationaleducational parties and institutions in order to open new channels for theCustodian of the Two Holy Mosques’ Overseas Scholarship Program that has placedmore than 160,000 Saudi exchange students worldwide and achieved twinningprograms with several international universities. Dr. AlMalik led negotiations,which resulted in the concluding of more than 45 scientific and educationalagreements between the Saudi Ministry of Education and its counterparts acrossthe world as well as many agreements and contracts between Saudi universitiesand leading international universities. Dr. AlMalik is among the pioneeringfigures of educational reform and development. He was one of the four Saudiprofessors who developed the first conceptual building blocks and fundamentalplan for King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST). He alsoworked as a consultant at Aramco, KAUST, and King Saud University, and wasactively involved in developing the National System of Innovation at KingAbdulaziz City for Science and Technology (KACST), and establishinginternational advisory boards for several Saudi universities. Over the past tenyears, Dr. AlMalik has supervised the International Exhibition and Conferenceon Higher Education (IECHE), which scored global success and brought togetherthe heads of some renowned universities, decision makers in the field of highereducation, and eminent participants from well-known universities such as Harvard,Cambridge, Tokyo, Sorbonne, MIT, Yale, and Columbia. Dr. AlMalik also oversawthe annual participation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in international bookfairs in 32 countries, and led the Saudi delegation when the Kingdom of SaudiArabia was the guest of honor at international book fairs in Tokyo, Prague,Sharjah, Casablanca, Seoul, Beijing, Jakarta, and Cairo. Likewise, hesupervised the cultural programmes of each fair, and the literary publicationexceeded 300 books (authorship, translation, etc.).