Dayong Jin is a Clarivate Highly CitedResearcher, one of the world’s top 0.1% influential researchers across multiplefields. He has spent the past decade driving the transformation of photonicsand materials into analytical, diagnostic and imaging devices for diseasedetection, including cancer. These devices use photonics technologies toanalyse saliva, urine or blood to identify early signs of disease and toxins. Hisresearch has been in the physical, engineering and interdisciplinary sciences,with expertise in optics engineering, automation devices, luminescentmaterials, microscopy imaging, and analytical chemistry, to enable rapiddetection of cells and molecules. More recently, Dayong has worked to developrapid COVID-19 spike-protein tests that allow virus detection from asymptomaticpatients. These tests deliver quick results at a reduced cost. This technologybuilds upon his “Super Dots”, a new family of nanophotonic probes that canup-convert infrared photons into intense visible light at the nanoscale.Several fascinating properties have been discovered since to allowhigh-throughput bio-discoveries, data storage and high-security-levelanti-counterfeiting applications, setting records for the tracking ofsingle-molecule transport, super-resolution microscopy, nanoscale thermometry,and recently optical tweezers. Dayong obtained his PhD from MacquarieUniversity in 2007. At Macquarie, he was promoted to Lecturer in 2010, SeniorLecturer in 2013, Associate Professor in 2014 and Professorial Fellow in 2015.He joined UTS in 2015, as a Chair Professor, to lead its research in Materialsand Technology and to establish the Institute for Biomedical Materials andDevices (IBMD), of which he is the director. IBMD leverages multi-disciplinarysciences in instrumental physics, materials science, photonics, nanotechnology,molecular biology and engineering to develop a range of research capabilities,and new technology solutions in the areas of cancer, neuron, pathogen,point-of-care testing, wearable and implantable biomaterials and devices.Dayong also established the Australian Research Council Industry TransformationResearch Hub for Integrated Devices for End-user Analysis at Low Levels (ARCIDEAL Research Hub), the Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources’Australia-China Joint Research Centre for Point of Care Testing (DISER POCT)and recently the UTS-SUSTech Joint Research Centre for Biomedical Materials& Devices. He has also been Chair Professor at Southern University ofScience and Technology since 2019. He has won the Australian Museum EurekaPrize (2015), the Australian Academy of Science engineering science medal(2017), the Australian Prime Minister Prize for Science – Physical Scientist ofthe Year (2017), and the Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship(2021). He is a fellow of Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering.