Professor Vetrone received his Ph.D. inChemistry from Concordia University followed by postdoctoral fellowships fundedby the Royal Society (UK) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil (NSERC) of Canada. He was appointed Assistant Professor ofNanobiotechnology at Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Centreénergie, Matériaux et Télécommunications (INRS-EMT) in October 2010 andpromoted to Associate Professor in June 2015. He was hired to develop anambitious and vigorous research programme at the vanguard of nanomaterialsresearch and their implementation in the life sciences and nanomedicine. Theoverarching theme of his research group is to develop multifunctionalnanoplatforms, excited by near-infrared light, to simultaneously trigger otherlight activated modalities. Professor Vetrone is a pioneer in the field of rareearth doped upconverting nanoparticles, publishing the first paper in the fieldin the year 2000. He has published ~100 papers in prestigious, high impact,peer-reviewed publications such as Journal of the American Chemical Society,Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Chemistry of Materials, Advanced Materials, AdvancedFunctional Materials, Nanoscale, Science, etc. with a number of ISI HighlyCited Papers. He has given over 100 invited lectures at prestigiousconferences, universities and summer schools around the world. Moreover, he haswon a number of prestigious awards from NSERC, IUPAC, the Royal Society (UK),ASM International, Provinces of Benevento (Italy) and Shandong (China), etc.and has been elected as a member of the Global Young Academy. In 2022, he is electedas Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering.