Dr.Kathleen Mosier is the Founder and Principal Scientist of TeamScape LLC, aWoman-Owned Small Business to conduct research on collaborative teams inaerospace operations. Dr. Mosier an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at SanFrancisco State University and holds a Ph.D. in Industrial/OrganizationalPsychology from University of California, Berkeley. She received her trainingin aerospace human factors at NASA Ames Research Center. Dr. Mosier has beenconducting research on expert teams, automation, cognition, and decision makingin aviation and space since 1990. Sheand Dr. Ute Fischer at Georgia Institute of Technology are leading NASA-fundedresearch to investigate the impact of autonomy on the space/ground team inspace operations. Their previousresearch on asynchronous communication in space operations produced a trainingmodule and set of medium-specific protocols for space-ground interactions whenunder conditions of communication time delay. An early focus of Dr. Mosier'sresearch was on the impact of automation on flight crew coordination anddecision-making. She and collaborator Dr. Linda Skitka coined the termautomation bias to refer to errors made when crews use automation as aheuristic replacement for vigilant information search. The term is now widely used in aviationliterature.
Dr.Mosier is also an internationally recognized leader in the field of HumanFactors/Ergonomics. She is the Presidentof the International Ergonomics Association, an international federation of 54Human Factors/Ergonomics Societies across the globe (www.iea.cc). She is a pastPresident of the US Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (2009-2010) and of theAssociation for Aviation Psychology (1996-2000). She served on the EditorialBoards of Human Factors and International Journal of Aviation Psychology, andAssociate Editor of the Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making.