Mohammed Chadli (SM’09, M‘99) received hisMScEng (DEA) from the Engineering School INSA-Lyon (France, 1999) and from“Ecole Normale Sup.” (Morocco), the PhD thesis in Automatic Control from theUniversity of Lorraine (UL), CRAN-Nancy in 2002 and his habilitation in 2011 atthe University of Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) Amiens. He was Lecturer andAssistant Professor at the “Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine” (UL,2000-2004). Since 2004, he was Associate Professor at the UPJV and currentlyFull Professor at the University Paris-Saclay, Univ Evry, IBISC Lab., France.He was a visiting professorship at the TUO-Ostrava (Czech Rep.), University ofTunis (Tunisia), UiA (Norway), CENIDET (Mexico), SMU-Shanghai (2014-2017),NUAA-Nanjing (2018, 2019) and the University of Naples Federico II (Italy,2019). Dr Chadli’s research interests include filtering and control problems(FDI, FTC) and applications to vehicle systems, intelligence systems, networksystems and cyber-physical systems. He is author of books and book chapters(Wiley, Springer, Hermes), of over 300 numerous articles published ininternational referred journals and conference proceedings, and listed in “100000 Leading Scientists in the World” (2% Scientists List of StanfordUniversity). Dr. Chadli is a senior member of IEEE. He is in the editorialboard (Editor, Associate Editor) of several international journals, includingthe IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Automatica, the IET Control Theory andApplications, the Franklin Institute Journal, Asian Journal of Control… and wasa Guest Editor for Special Issues in international journals. He now serves asthe Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies, and Chair of theIEEE France Section Control Systems Society Chapter. He is Founding Member ofIETI.