Peng Shi is now a professor at the University ofAdelaide, Australia, Leader in Systems and Control, and Director of Laboratoryof Advanced Unmanned Systems. He hasreceived many recognitions, prizes and awards, including the Highly-CitedResearcher in both fields of engineering and computer science (2014-2022,Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics), the 2nd ranked Top Electronics andElectrical Engineering Scientists (2022,, the honour of LifetimeAchiever Leader-Board and Field Leader (2019-2022, THE AUSTRALIAN), theOutstanding Achievement Award of Excellence in Research (2020, University ofAdelaide), and a number of Best/Most Cited Paper awards from internationaljournals and conferences, including the Andrew Sage Best Transactions Paperaward from IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society in 2016. He was a memberof Board of Governors, and the Vice President of IEEE SMC Society. He nowserves as the President of the International Academy of Systems and CyberneticScience, and a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE SMC Society. He is a member ofthe Academy of Europe, the European Academy of Science and Arts, and anhonorary member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. He is a Fellow of theInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the Institution ofEngineering and Technology, the Institution of Engineers Australia, and theChinese Association of Automation. He has served on the editorial board of manyleading international journals as Editor-in-Chief, Senior Editor, Editor,Subject Editor-in-Chief, Special Issue Editor and Associate Editor, includingIEEE Transactions on (Automatic Control, Fuzzy Systems, Circuits and Systems,Artificial Intelligence), IEEE Control Systems Letters, and Automatica.Currently he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,Senior Editor of IEEE Access, and Co-Editor of Australian Journal of Electricaland Electronics Engineering.