Wei Hu is present a professor of optical engineering in Nanjinguniversity. His research interest focuses on liquid crystal materials andoptical devices. His initiative works on photo-guided architecture of liquidcrystal superstructures and optically addressed spatial light modulator havebeen widely recognized in materials, physics, and optics communities. He haspublished 169 peer reviewed journal papers, 7 book chapters and over 110conference contributions, and held 84 issued/pending patents. He serves as aneditorial board member for Advanced Photonics Nexus, Scientific Reports,Applied Sciences, Chinese Journal of Liquid Crystals and Displays, a guesteditor for Optics Express, Chinese Optics Letters and an active reviewer forover 100 journals. He won the support of the Tang Scholar program in 2017, theDistinguished Young Scholars of Jiangsu province in 2018 and the NationalNatural Science Foundation-Outstanding Youth Foundation in 2019.