Ivan Zelinka is currently working at theTechnical University of Ostrava (VSB-TU), Faculty of Electrical Engineering andComputer Science. He graduated consequently at Technical University in Brno(1995 – MSc.), UTB in Zlin (2001 – PhD) and again at Technical University inBrno (2004 – assoc. prof.) and VSB-TU (2010 - professor). Before academiccareer, he was an employed like TELECOM technician, computer specialist (HW+SW)and Commercial Bank (computer and LAN supervisor). During his career at UTB, heproposed and opened more than 10 different lectures series. He also has beeninvited for lectures at numerous universities in different EU countries as wellas keynote and/or tutorial speaker. The field of his expertise if mainly on AI,unconventional algorithms and cybersecurity. He is and was responsiblesupervisor of numerous grants of fundamental research of Czech grant agencyGACR, co-supervisor of grant FRVS - Laboratory of parallel computing.Currently, he is a professor at the Department of Computer Science and intotal, he has been the supervisor of more than 50 MSc. and 25 Bc. diplomathesis. Ivan Zelinka is also supervisor of doctoral students including studentsfrom the abroad and a guarantor of magister study programme (Cybersecurity) anddoctoral programme (Computer sciences). He was awarded by Siemens Award for hisPhD thesis, as well as by journal Software news for his book about artificialintelligence. Ivan Zelinka is a member of British Computer Society, Editor inchief of Springer book series: Emergence, Complexity and Computation(http://www.springer.com/series/10624), Editorial board of Saint PetersburgState University Studies in Mathematics, a few international program committeesof various conferences and international journals.