Raj Gururajan is the Professor of InformationSystems of School of Business, University of Southern Queensland, Australia. Hismain academic contributions are as follows: 1. Accomplished academic leaderwith progressive experience including at a regional, domestic and internationallevels. Strategic thinker who can reframe and deliver stakeholder value throughinnovative approaches and operational excellence, including operationalisationof policies and procedures. 2. Affable, recognised collaborator and connectoracross key stakeholder groups – academia, students, industry, government, andcommunity. Develops and promotes multi-skilled team competencies for teachingand research via nurturing mentorship and inspirational leadership. 3.Demonstrated experience in the development of Information Systems programsdevelopment driven by significant market disruption and government reforms;Track record in successfully preparing Information Systems Programs forprofessional accreditation; Strong leadership experience at School, Faculty andUniversity level including budget, workforce assessment and recruitment,workforce management including performance reviews, Faculty and UniversityBoard memberships. 4. Expert in Health Informatics research since 2000 with atrack record of over 300 refereed publications, national and internationalcompetitive grants; Coalescing clinical and non-clinical disciplines andrelationships to deliver greater impact in healthcare management – locally andglobally.